The debate has been going on forever on when it is appropriate to put up winter holiday decorations. Should it be after Thanksgiving? After Halloween? How are we supposed to know? The big mystery of when is an acceptable time to put up winter holiday decorations. How are people supposed to know when to decorate, why isn’t there a specific day? After an interview with Amanda Johnson, She said “I would put up my Christmas decorations about 10 days before, on the 15th.” but others might say even sooner. Dr. Megan Baker stated, “Me and my husband will measure our driveway on the first snow and if it’s over an inch we will put up our Christmas decorations”. Some companies are already putting out their winter holiday items, Such as Starbucks who as of November 2nd are releasing their holiday-themed cups for winter. Also, Dunkin’ Donuts was rumored to release winter drinks on November 1st. In conclusion, everyone chooses different dates to set up winter holiday decorations, but we can all agree that the winter holiday season is a fantastic one for everyone to celebrate.