Volleyball Practice Sets The Tone

Amanda Ban

The Wheeling Highschool Varsity Volleyball team has been coached by Coach Kopkowski for years now. He is the head of the program and has never failed to create a welcoming environment for his athletes, but the environment is not created by him as much as it is by the athletes themselves. The 2022 girls volleyball season is now underway and moving forward. With practices everyday after school and 1-2 games per week along with a few weekend tournaments here and there, the stress can build up, but the environment created by the girls in the gym and field house serves as a reason to keep showing up and powering forward. “The atmosphere in the gym is nothing but fun. The girls know when to take drills seriously, and they always find a way to mix in a little bit of fun, no matter the situation,” Kopkowski said. With the recent addition of themed practices, the program has been able to gather as one at least once a week. The fun and creative themes add an additional aspect to each Wednesday practice. Dressing up as Adam Sandler and running around in baggy clothes for two hours adds an extra touch to practice.